In Clients, Public Space, Design Services

Tuesday 22 of December was a happy day for the ending of the year. It was the opening of the Eddy Rapoport Native Garden.  The project has been run by the Nahuel Huapi National Park in a small semi-public garden in the corners of Gallardo and Besched streets of our city: Bariloche.
This small urban garden, intended to be an educational and relaxed environment for locals and tourists, is entirely designed with native flora. Trees of Lenga, Coihue, Rauli and Roble Pellin coexist with an arid sector full of plants from the Patagonian steppe and the high Andes.
Eduardo H. Rapoport is a world renown ecologist, pioneer in studies about biogeography, invasion’s ecology and now in edible weeds.



Vistas de la rocaya / Views



Diseño original y resultado final producido en los talleres del PNNH / Original designs and the final results produced in the National Park Workshop

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Eduardo pronunciando unas palabras, detrás a la izq. Juan Salguero y a der. Marcelo Cascón y Horacio Grandio

Eduardo pronunciando unas palabras, detrás a la izq. Juan Salguero y a der. Marcelo Cascón y Horacio Grandio / Opening speech

Algunos hijos, nietos y bisnietos! & Algunos de PNNH que trabajaron en la obra

Algunos hijos, nietos y bisnietos! & Algunos de PNNH que trabajaron en la obra / Family and workers involved
