ASOMA – award
The ASOMA (Argentine Furniture Association) gave the ASOMA 2022 Award this December 12 to our Topa-topa lounge chair. The event took place in the auditorium of the Museum of Architecture and [...]
The ASOMA (Argentine Furniture Association) gave the ASOMA 2022 Award this December 12 to our Topa-topa lounge chair. The event took place in the auditorium of the Museum of Architecture and [...]
Google-Translate used. We are sorry about it. In 2016, the Municipality of Tohuin, CIEFAP (Center for Andean Forestry Research and Extension) and the Ministries of Industry and Education of the [...]
In February 2017, we received an invitation from Ramiro Estrada Sainz, director of the Tecnologico de Monterrey (Campus Guadalajara), to give a conference and a one-week workshop to his students [...]
“The next Argentine furniture” We will be showcasing a new line of tables called “En Bruto” in this interesting proposal of an itinerant fair through the most important [...]
In October 2015 we were invited to Hoy es Diseño, a design festival in Cali, Colombia. It is an international event with all management done by the students. Manu went to represent the studio [...]
We are proud to anounce that DESIGNO is participating of the Mílan Furniture Fair. 8 to 13 of april. See you there!
We are proud to announce that our Matero family received the “Sello de Buen Diseño” (Good Design Stamp) . This distinction is given by the National Design Plan from the Ministry of [...]
Estaremos presentes en el Festival de Diseño de Buenos Aires presentando el proyecto de reciclaje LATAS=TEJAS. Para participar de la inauguración por favor comunicarse con Paulina Becerra [...]